
Weird Worms

         There are many different species of worms, but there are only a number of them that can be classified as weird, odd, or even bizarre. These worms range in color and size. Throughout this article you will find thirteen of the weirdest looking worms found in the world.

Giant Blue Earthworm

This giant blue earthworm is a native to Borneo. It is grey-blue in color and will grow up to 70cm in length. Like most earthworms you are only able to spot them after a downpour of rain.

The Pig Butt Worm

This worm was discovered in 2007. It lives below the ocean’s surface. It is a segmented worm, it just so happens that the middle segment is flat and it causes the other segment to inflate and give it the distinct shape of a pig’s butt.

Palouse Earthworm

This worm is native to Washington State and can even be found in certain parts of Idaho. It was discovered in 1897 and will burrow into the Earth’s surface as far down as fifteen feet. This worm will grow up to three feet in length. It is an albino worm and has been known to leave the scent of a lily. If it feels threatened it will protect itself by spitting.

Red Mangrove Flatworm

These worms are only two to three centimeters in length. They come in a dark red, maroon, or brown color with pale speckles. They can be found living on the bottom of the ocean.

Spoon Worms

This worm is often seen near the sea grass areas of the northern shore of Singapore. These worms are not segmented, but can grow up to ten centimeters in length. The spoon part of its body is in front of the mouth and it will help in the gathering of its food.

Medusa Worm

These worms can be found in the Atlantic Ocean near Spain. They survive on the methane provided by the mud volcanoes they live in. They are often called the Spaghetti worm. Being that it is a newer species, little is known about them.