
The Ugliest Animals I Have Ever Seen

The Almiqui

This black, reddish brown or dark brown night dwelling animal has short legs, an elongated head, tiny eyes, a flexible snout, and skin glands that release a goat like smell. These animals will eat snakes, frogs, and crabs.
the almiqu

The Ancient Japanese Shark

The ancient Japanese Shark makes its home 2000 feet below sea level. It’s eel like with a mouth full of needles. This creature has not followed the laws of evolution very well, considering it remains almost exactly the same as it did in the prehistoric times.
the ancient japanese shark

The Armadillo
The armadillo has up to twenty different species in their mammal genre. They have short legs with sharp claws, so they can forge for food, which consists of ants, beetles, grubs, flesh of already dead animals and plants.
the armadillo

The Echidna

This animal is a hedgehog like creature that, like the duckbill platypus, will lay eggs and produce milk for its young. They have two layers of fur, one for warmth and one for protection.
the echidna

The Elephant Seal

The Elephant Seal can weigh up to 8,800 pounds. Their diet consists of fish, squid and various other marine animals. The reason that they are called an elephant seal is because during the breeding season they are able to inflate their noses and it looks like a trunk.
the elephant seal

The Hairless Mouse

The hairless mouse will have thin skin. It might even be almost see through and have a few wrinkles throughout the body with bright eyes and large unwrinkled ears.
the hairless mouse

The Hatchet Fish

The hatchet Fish got its name because the body of this fish is in the shape of a hatchet. Their eyes are on the top of their heads and they are no more than six inches in length.
the hatchet fish

The Human Bot Fly Larvae

The Human Bot Fly Larvae, also known as the maggot, will imbed itself in a mammal and like there until it becomes a fly. It will cause pain for its victim until the time it is removed.
the human bot fly larvae

The Naked Mole Rat

The naked mole rat looks like a tiny walrus. It has a tubular body that is wrinkled and hairless. They tend to eat roots, bulbs, seed and small plants.
the naked mole rat

The Penis Fish

This fish can grow up to six inches in length and it will insert itself into your urethra, if you happen to be urinating in the waters of the Amazon. They look like a catfish, but can be deadly to the recipient of them.
the penis fish

The Proboscis Monkey

The Proboscis Monkey has large noses and pot bellies. They will eat seeds, leaves, and green fruit, but don’t use their tales for grip like most primates. It is used more for balance.
the proboscis monkey

The Soft Shell Turtle

The soft shell turtle’s nose is like a built in snorkel mechanism. It will help them breath under water and on land when they burrow. Their shells are leathery and soft and they have webbed feet.
the soft shell turtle

The Star Nosed Mole

The star nosed mole will eat water based insects, worms and mollusks. This mole is a good swimmer and keeps house under water, mainly. Its fur is water repellant; it has scaly feet and a thick, long tail. The nose as 22 pink tentacle like appendages that are used to identify food by touch.

The Tarsier

The Tarsier have eyes that are large and do not rotate. They can, however, turn their head almost all the way around. Their arms and legs are longer than most primates. They will eat insects, birds, lizards and bats.
the tarsie

The Vampire Sea Spider from Antarctica

The vampire sea spider from Antarctica lives at the bottom of the ocean and use a straw like appendage to suck on their prey. They feed on the slow moving, soft bodied sponges and sea slugs that live at the very bottom of the ocean.
the vampire sea spider from antarctica

The Viperfish

The viperfish has a large mouth with fang like sharp teeth that are too large to fit in its mouth. It is only a foot in length, but it is fearsome and will use its teeth to impale its prey, while moving at a high rate of speed.
the viperfish